锦 瑟
选自教育部组织编写《普通高中教科书 语文 选择性必修 中册》第4单元《古诗词诵读》,人民教育出版社,2019
李商隐(约813年-约858年),字义山,号玉谿生,怀州河内(今河南沁阳县)人 。晚唐著名诗人,和杜牧合称“小李杜”。擅长诗歌写作,骈文文学价值颇高。
LI Shangyin (c.813-c.858), styled Yishan, Yu xisheng by literary name, a native of Henei (present-day Qinyang County, Henan Province). He was a famous Chinese poet in the late Tang dynasty. The poet and Du Mu have been known as “Junior Li-Du Duet”. Li was good at poetry and his parallel prose had a great literary value.(瞿静译)
The Lute
By LI Shangyin
Tr. ZHAO Yanchun
The lute has fifty strings, I don’t know why;
Pluck after pluck, of past glory I sigh.
In his dream, with butterflies Lush was glad;
I’d ask a cuckoo for good news or bad.
The azure sea sees the pearl with tears beam;
The sapphire field feels the jade with hue gleam.
My love for him draws me back to the past,
While now I’m all lost and a bit downcast.