
怕老鼠的狮子和狐狸(A lion and a fox afraid of mice)



The hot weather exhausted the lion. He lay in his cave and slept soundly. A mouse ran over his mane and ears and woke him from his dream. The lion was so angry that he got up and swayed around looking for mice. When the fox saw it, he said, “you are a dignified lion, and you are frightened by the mouse.” the lion said, “I am not afraid of the mouse, but I hate his arrogance and rudeness.”

Moral: sometimes a little freedom is a great offense.

强盗和桑树(Robbers and mulberry trees)


The robber killed a man on the road and was chased by passers-by. He ran away with blood. The oncoming pedestrian asked him why his hands were red. He said he had just climbed down from the mulberry tree. Just then, the pursuers came, grabbed him and hanged him on the mulberry tree. The mulberry tree said to him, “I’m glad to help people put you to death, because you killed people and blamed it on me.”

Moral: when being slandered as a villain by others, some people with good nature often fight back without hesitation.


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