
❶如果快乐太难 那就祝我们腰缠万贯。

If it’s too hard to be happy, wish us a million dollars.
❷积极乐观 生活才能风生水起。

A positive life will flourish.
❸希望日子简单充实 被喜欢的事情填满。

I want my days to be simple and full of things I love.


❹总会有很多瞬间告诉你 生活温柔且浪漫。

There are always moments that tell you that life is gentle and romantic.
❺相比过去 未来才更值得期待。

The future is more to look forward to than the past.
❻念别人好 修自己的心。

Read others to repair their own heart.
❼慢慢来 好运都在来的路上。

Take your time. Good luck is on its way.



You see, when you’re happy, the world is a better place.
❾众口难调 自己开心就好。

Just be happy with yourself.
❿今天比昨天好 这就是希望。

Today is better than yesterday that’s the hope.
❶❶生活嘛 简单点 糊涂点 快乐点。

Life is simple, confused and happy.


❶❷变好的从来不是生活 是你自己。

Getting better is never about life being you.
❶❸我走的很慢 但我从不放弃。

I am a slow walker but I never give up.

Go through hell or high water for what’s worth it.
❶❺半山腰总是挤的 你要去山顶看看。

You have to go to the top of the mountain to see.
❶❻努力的意义 就是当好运来临时 你觉得值得。

The point of hard work is that it’s worth it when good luck comes along.


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