


青藏高原(theQinghai-Tibet Plateau)位于中国西南部面积约230万平方公里,平均海拔4000米以上,被称为“世界屋脊”。青藏高原自然资源丰富,风景秀丽,拥有多种珍稀野生动物。青藏高原气温很低,形成了大面积高山冰川。这里是亚洲许多著名河流的源头,是中国和东南亚的主要淡水供应源。青藏高原对全球生态系统至关重要。由于气候变化的影响,青藏高原的冰川正在加速融化。中国一直在努力保护青藏高原的生态系统,草地覆盖率不断增加,许多濒危物种得到更为有效的保护。

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is situated in thesouthwest of China, with an area of about 2.3 millionsquare kilometers and an average altitude of morethan 4 kilometers.lt is called the “roof oftheworld. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is abundant innatural resources, beautiful scenery and a variety ofrare wild animals.

The temperature of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is verylow, thus forming a large area of mountain glaciers.ltisthesoAsizmain source of fresh water supply in China andSoutheast Asia.The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is vital forthe globalecosystem.

Due to the impact of climate change, glaciers on theQinghai-Tibet Plateau are melting at an acceleratingrate. China has been committed to protecting theecosystem ofthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Grasslandcoverage isincreasing,and many endangeredspecies are being protected more effectively.


云贵高原(theYunnan-Guizhou Plateau)大部分位于云南、贵州省境内,总面积约50万平方公里,平均海拔2,000-4000米,是中国第四大高原。云贵高原西高东低,河流众多,形成了许多又深又陡的峡谷(canyon)。峡谷中许多地方土壤肥沃,非常有利于多种农作物生长。


Most of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is located inYunnan and Guizhou Provinces. With a total area ofabout 500000 square kilometers and an averageelevation of 2,000-4,000 meters, it is the fourthlargest plateau in China. The Yunnan-GuizhouPlateau is high in the west and low in the east, withnumerous rivers forming many deep and steepcanyons. The fertile soil in many parts of the canyonis very conducive to the growth of many kinds ofcrops.

The unique natural environment of the YunnanGuizhou Plateau has created biological and culturaldiversity.lt is an area with abundant forest andmineral resources in China, and it is also animportant area for the origin ofancient humans. TheYunnan-Guizhou Plateau is home to thelargestnumber ofethnic minorities in China, and all ethnicgroups maintain rich and diverse cultural traditions.


黄土高原(the Loess Plateau)是中国第三大高原面积约60万平方公里平均海拔1000-2000米,绝大部分覆盖着50-80米厚的黄土,是世界上黄土分布最集中、覆盖厚度最大的区域。这是大自然创造的一个奇迹,在世界上也是绝无仅有的。黄土高原是中华民族的发祥地之一。早在5500年前,人们就已经在黄土高原上开始农耕、随看农耕业的持续发展,黄土高原人口不断增加,在秦汉时期就成为中国的政治和经济中心,如今随着西部大开发战略的实施,黄土高原地区的经济得到了迅速发展。

The Loess Plateau, the third largest plateau in China, coversan area of 600,000 square kilometres and rises 1,000-2,000metres above the se level on average. As the majority of theplateau is covered with 50-80 metre thick layer of loess, itis the most concentrated area in loess distribution in theworld. Therefore, it is well recognized as a miracle createdby the nature and the unique one on this planet.The Loess Plateau is one of the cradles of the Chinesenation where Chinese began farming 5,500 years ago. Withthe continuous development of agriculture, the populationkept increasing on the plateau, which became the politicaland economic centre of China in the Han Dynasty. Today.with the Western Development strategy implemented, theeconomy of the Loess Plateau area is developing rapidly.


Today, increasing importance is being attached to cultivatingcollege students’ team spirit. Many people believe that teamspirit benefits not only themselves but also the whole group!while others have the idea that it is more important to focuson finishing one’s own job. As for me, the former is morereasonable.

There are a variety of reasons accountable for my statement.Firstly, college students with team spirit generally have betteracademic performance, because they tend to contribute to theteam,learn from other team members,and are generallymodest and patient. Moreover, when college students graduateand enter the workplace, those with strong team spirit aremore likely to create a good impression on their colleaguesand bosses than those who just intend to finish their own jobTherefore, these team players can climb up the ladder morequickly. Besides, in our daily life, young people who have suchstrength are caring, warm, and considerate; who do not fancymaking friends with them?

In sum, we, as college students, ought to attach more importance to cultivating our team spirit. In order to do so, we aresupposed to open up ourselves more, seize every opportunities to collaborate with others to achieve a goal, and try tolearn from our peers who have such virtue.


In an era of information explosion, there is a heated debateover whether we need to develop criticality and make rationaljudgement. Some prefer following suit,whereas others havethe idea that thinking critically is of great necessity. As for methe latter is more reasonable.

There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view.Firstly,college students showing more critique usually makebetter decisions. They learn to differentiate useful informationfrom various sources rather than accepting all without consideration. Therefore, they can draw a relatively comprehensiveconclusion and make the best choice based on the informationas well as their condition. Moreover, when they graduate andenter the workplace, the ability to think critically can helpthem assess if the position is suitable for themselves. A suitable job, rather than a position simply with high salary, is achannel for an employee to realize the potential. Besides,intheir daily life, critical thinking enables them to select betterfriends and expand social ties.

In sum, thinking critically is of great necessity for college students. It not only helps them to gain advantages in the competition with peer groups, but also allows them to select an appropriate start of the career and establish more positivefriendship with others.


With our society developing increasingly faster, people ingrowing numbers begin to realize that information technologyplays a key role in education. Applying the state-of-the-arttechnology like online flatforms and smart classrooms rendersteaching and learning more diverse and effective.

There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view.Firstly, information technology can alter college studentslearning mode. Compared with face-to-face classrooms, onlineteaching is more costeffective, especially for those who livein the rural areas. Secondly, more freedom will be given to stu.dents. They can express their points of view through the onlinechat box in an anonymous way. Thirdly, they will pay more at-tention to autonomous learning with the help of various tools.

In sum, information technology is of great necessity in education. Not only does it help them enhance learning mode, butalso enables to give them more freedom and enrich their life.



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