AI来写四级英语作文 2022年6月 给学校图书馆写建议信

“Suppose you are going to write a proposal to your school library for improving its service. You are to write about its current problems and possible solutions to these problems. You will have 30 minutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.”

The current state of our school library is not meeting the needs of our students and faculty. Many of the books and resources are outdated, and the selection is limited. Additionally, the library is not open for extended hours, making it difficult for students to access its resources outside of regular school hours.

One solution to these problems is to update and expand the library’s collection. This can be achieved by purchasing new books and materials, as well as subscribing to online databases and journals. Additionally, the library should be open for extended hours, such as in the evenings and on weekends, to allow greater access to its resources. Another solution is to improve the library’s technology. This can include upgrading the computers and printers, as well as providing access to new technologies such as virtual reality headsets and 3D printers. These technologies can enhance the learning experience and make the library a more exciting and engaging place to be.

In conclusion, by updating and expanding the library’s collection, increasing its access hours, and improving its technology, we can make our school library a more valuable and useful resource for our students and faculty.

AI来写四级英语作文 2022年6月 给学校图书馆写建议信

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