
2021年6月第 一套

Directions: For  this part, you  are  allowed  30  minutes  to  write  an  essay  titled  “Are people becoming addicted to technology?”. The statement given below is for your reference. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same efect on the brain as drug addition.


本次四级作文题目属于社会热点话题。写作内容主要围绕沉迷于科技所带来的负面影响 展开论述,考生可从日常生活角度进行思考,讲述过度依赖电子产品带来的不利影响。


第 一段:引出文章主题——侧重于阐述沉迷于科技所带来的负面影响。



 必 备词汇 

discussion [dɪˈskʌʃn] n.讨论

notice [ˈnəʊtɪs] v.注意

aspect [ˈæspekt] n.方面

negative effect  负面影响

be elaborated from  被详细地说明

advance [ədˈvɑːns] n.进步

convenient [kənˈviːniənt] a.方便的

indulge in  沉溺于

adverse consequence  不良后果

be obsessed with  痴迷于

be absorbed in  专心于

be harmful to  对……有害


The discussion that people are becoming addicted to technology has become a hot topic in recent years. With advances in technology, it is not difficult to notice that we are enjoying  a convenient life, however, that indulging in technology is bringing negative effects need attention.

The adverse consequences of spending too much time on technology can be elaborated from the following aspects. First of all, people who are fond of shopping online are turning into lazier, at the same time, due to lack of exercise, their body easily becomes weak and more susceptible to diseases. In addition, for those who are obsessed with electronic products, after staying up late to watch TV programs or play games, the academic or job performances may be badly affected. Apart  from  that, being  absorbed  in  social  software  reduces  the  real  interpersonal  interaction, which is harmful to the development of mental health.

Given the above, we should avoid the negative influence brought by technology and develop its strengths. Only in this way, can we enjoy life better.


The discussion that                has become a hot topic in recent years. With               , it is not difficult to notice that             , however, that              need attention.

The               consequences of               can be elaborated from the following aspects. First of all,             . In addition,             . Apart from that,             .

Given the above, we should             . Only in this way, can we enjoy life better.


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