If you are willing to change your feelings.if you change your feelings,you can change your actions.and changing your actions based on good thinking.can change your life.
The relationship you have with yourself is the most complicated because you can’t walk away from you.you have to forgive every mistake.you have to deal with every flaw.you have to find a way to love you even when you are disgusted with you.
Staying positive does not mean that things will turn out okay.rather it is knowing that you will be okay to matter how things turn out.
The person who tagged you in this wants you to know you are strong,beautiful and can take on anything.
You are about to overcome something you’ve been dealing with.your mind and heart will be at peace aganinbe patient with yourself.
Letting go is hard because holding on is comfortable.comfort can ruin your life.
You need to give yourself a break and let yourself be happy.stop thinking saddness is the only answer because it’s not.find love within you,you should be proud of yourself for holding on and being strong through the darkest times.
No need to stress.okay.you have time to slow down and calculate your next steps.your whole life is still ahead of you.you got this.just take it a day at a time.
The reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go,instead of how far they have gotten.