
Peking University: A Beacon of Academic Excellence

Peking University (PKU), often referred to as “Beida” in Chinese, is one of China’s most prestigious and influential universities. Founded in 1898 as the Imperial University of Peking, it was the first national comprehensive university in modern China. PKU has played a pivotal role in shaping the country’s intellectual landscape, with a rich history that includes being at the forefront of cultural movements such as the May Fourth Movement and serving as an academic stronghold for many prominent scholars and political figures throughout its history.


The Heart of Intellectual Pursuit

At the core of PKU’s identity lies its commitment to academic freedom and excellence. The university boasts a diverse range of disciplines, from humanities to sciences, engineering, medicine, and more, providing students with a broad spectrum of knowledge and research opportunities. Its faculty comprises some of the nation’s top academics, who are known for their groundbreaking research and contributions to various fields.

A Global Hub for Scholarship

PKU attracts students from around the world, fostering a vibrant international community on campus. The university actively engages in global partnerships and collaborations, offering exchange programs and joint degree programs with leading institutions worldwide. This cosmopolitan environment not only enriches the learning experience but also prepares graduates to be global citizens.

Shaping Future Leaders

Alumni of PKU have made significant impacts in politics, science, business, and culture, both domestically and internationally. The university’s alumni network includes numerous Nobel laureates, government officials, and industry leaders, reflecting the high caliber of education and training provided by PKU.

In conclusion, Peking University stands as a symbol of academic distinction and a breeding ground for future leaders. It continues to uphold its tradition of academic rigor and innovation, playing a crucial role in advancing knowledge and contributing to society’s progress.


Peking University’s founding year is _____?

Peking University was founded in 1898.

PKU’s current president is ____

Peking University’s current president is Hao Ping. He assumed the position on April 8, 2017. Prior to his appointment as president, Hao Ping served as vice minister of education and deputy director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of China. His academic background includes a Ph.D. in economics from Renmin University of China. Under President Hao Ping’s leadership, Peking University has continued to advance its research capabilities and international collaboration while maintaining its commitment to excellence in teaching and student development.

PKU offers degrees in which areas of study?


  • 环境科学与工程学院:提供环境管理专业,并与伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)联合培养双硕士学位项目,涉及环境政策、技术与健康等方向。
  • 北京大学健康科学中心:提供给外国学生不同的学习项目,这些项目覆盖了主要的医学和健康科学领域。
  • 北京大学国际合作部:提供多种国际合作项目,如与LSE的双硕士学位项目,涉及国际关系等领域。
  • 北京大学深圳研究生院:提供全英语授课的硕士项目,包括管理学、金融学、经济学、MBA(中英文双语项目)、法学(LL.M.)等。





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