
Double Selection in English


When expressing the concept of “double selection” in English, one might consider using phrases that convey the idea of choosing between two options or making a decision involving two parties. This term is often used in various contexts, including employment events, academic programs, and even social situations where individuals must select from a pair of alternatives.


Common Phrases

To articulate “double selection” in English, several idiomatic expressions can be employed:

  • Two-way choice: This phrase directly implies that there are two possible selections to be made.
  • Mutual selection: This term suggests that the selection process involves reciprocal consideration by two parties.
  • Joint selection: Similar to mutual selection, joint selection emphasizes the cooperative nature of the choosing process.

Contextual Usage

In the context of a job fair designed for graduate students, where employers and potential employees mutually choose each other, the event could be referred to as a “job fair for college graduates” or simply a “career fair.” These terms capture the essence of the double selection process where both parties have a say in the outcome.


The translation of “双选” into English should reflect the bilateral aspect of the selection process. By utilizing phrases that indicate mutuality or cooperation, the translated term effectively conveys the meaning of having two choices or opportunities to select from.


‘Double selection’在学术领域通常指的是什么?

“Double selection”在学术领域通常指的是一种用于统计建模的数据驱动策略,特别是在机器学习和因果推断中。这种方法涉及到两个步骤的选择过程,首先是通过带有正则化的机器学习算法(如Lasso回归)选择一组对结果变量有解释力的变量,其次是基于这些选定的变量进行进一步的统计分析,如普通最小二乘回归。这种方法有助于识别和控制混杂因素,从而更准确地估计变量之间的因果关系。


The concept of “双向选择” can be expressed in English as “mutual selection” or “reciprocal choice.” This term refers to a situation where two parties have the opportunity to choose each other based on their preferences or qualifications. For example, in the context of employment, a job candidate may have the chance to select a company while the company also chooses the candidate, resulting in a mutually beneficial arrangement. In educational settings, students may have the freedom to choose which university they want to attend, and vice versa, with universities selecting students who meet their admission criteria. This concept emphasizes the autonomy and agency of both parties involved in the selection process.




  1. 活动筹备:招聘企业提前报名参加双选会,并提供相关的招聘信息和岗位需求。求职者则需注册个人信息,并上传个人简历及求职意向。

  2. 双选会进行:活动当天,招聘企业设置展位,求职者可以与企业代表进行面对面的交流。企业代表可能会进行简短的宣讲,求职者则可以根据兴趣选择参与交流。企业会根据交流情况进行面试或笔试等选拔环节。

  3. 签约:在面试或笔试环节结束后,双方若达成一致,可以当场签订三方协议或其他就业协议。对于网络双选会,求职者的简历被企业选中后,双方将通过线上沟通进行后续的面试流程。

  4. 活动总结:双选会结束后,主办方会收集参与者的反馈,评估活动效果,并对未来的活动进行改进。





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