“北大班”在英语中通常直译为 “Beida Class”. 这个短语直接反映了中文名称中的含义,即与北京大学相关的班级或课程。在英语中,”Beida” 是北京大学的英文缩写,而 “Class” 则指班级或课程。当您想要表达与北京大学相关的英语课程或班级时,可以使用 “Beida Class” 这个短语。
Peking University offers a comprehensive English curriculum that caters to students of various levels and interests. The courses range from foundational skills such as basic grammar and vocabulary to advanced applications in academic, professional, and cultural contexts. The English language teaching course, for instance, aims to improve listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation skills while enhancing cultural awareness and cross-cultural communication capabilities. It covers essential components like academic English, business English, and the history and culture of English-speaking countries. Students are assessed through regular tests, homework assignments, participation in class activities, and a final exam. The curriculum is designed to be interactive, utilizing authentic English materials and encouraging active student engagement.
For more advanced learners, Peking University provides specialized courses in areas such as advanced English reading, writing, speaking, and translation. These courses delve into higher-level linguistic structures and encourage critical thinking and creative expression in English. Additionally, elective courses cover topics like American literature, British studies, film and drama, and English for specific purposes, reflecting the university’s commitment to a multifaceted approach to language learning.
The English Department at Peking University boasts a strong faculty with both domestic and international scholars who contribute to a vibrant academic environment. This rich educational resource allows students not only to master the English language but also to gain insights into Western civilization and thought.
- 基础英语课程:适合英语水平较低的学生,包括基础英语阅读和初级英语听力等。
- 中级英语课程:适合有一定英语基础的学生,涵盖英语阅读、英语听说和实用基础英语写作等。
- 高级英语课程:针对英语水平较高的学生,包括高级英语听说、高级英语阅读、高级英语写作、高级英语口语、英语词汇与英美文化、英语名著与电影、英美戏剧和电影等。
- 专业英语课程:专为英语专业学生设计,包括英语精读、英语视听、口语、英语结构、英语文学、英语翻译理论与实践等。
- 文化与文学课程:结合英语学习与西方文化、文学知识,如希腊罗马神话、英语非虚构作品中的近当代中国社会与文化等。
- 学术英语课程:旨在提高学生的学术英语能力,包括学术英语听说、学术英语写作、科技前沿英语等。
- 其他英语应用课程:如商务英语、计算机辅助英语学习、英语公共演讲等。