
Welcome to Lanzhou

Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province in northwest China, is a vibrant destination known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and delicious local cuisine. As you arrive in this captivating city, you’ll be greeted with the warm hospitality of its people and the allure of its黄河风情.


Exploring Lanzhou’s Attractions

Lanzhou is home to a plethora of attractions that showcase its historical significance and natural beauty. The Yellow River, which runs through the city, offers a serene backdrop to the bustling urban life. The Zhongshan Bridge, an iconic landmark, spans the river and provides a picturesque view of the city. The White Pagoda Mountain and the Gansu Provincial Museum are must-visits for those interested in the region’s history and culture.

Indulging in Lanzhou’s Cuisine

No trip to Lanzhou is complete without sampling its signature dish, Lanzhou beef noodles. These hand-pulled noodles, served in a flavorful broth with thinly sliced beef, are a culinary delight that has gained popularity across China and beyond. The city’s night markets and local eateries offer a wide array of street food and traditional snacks that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.

Embracing Lanzhou’s Hospitality

The people of Lanzhou are known for their warmth and friendliness. They are proud of their city and eager to share its stories and traditions with visitors. Whether you’re exploring the ancient sites or enjoying the local cuisine, you’ll feel the genuine hospitality that Lanzhou is famous for.


Lanzhou is a city that welcomes you with open arms. It offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty that is sure to make your visit memorable. So, as you step into this enchanting city, prepare to be captivated by its charm and the warmth of its people. Welcome to Lanzhou!



Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province in northwest China, is a city with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Located on the banks of the Yellow River, it has been an important cultural and commercial hub since ancient times. The city’s history can be traced back over 2,000 years, with evidence of human settlement dating back to the Neolithic Age. Lanzhou played a pivotal role along the Silk Road, facilitating trade and cultural exchange between the East and the West.

The city’s cultural landscape is a tapestry of influences from various ethnic groups, including the Han, Hui, and Tibetans, which is reflected in its architecture, cuisine, and traditional arts. Lanzhou is renowned for its distinctive folk art forms, such as shadow puppetry and paper cutting, which are integral to the city’s cultural identity. The local cuisine, known as Lanzhou cuisine, is celebrated for its fresh and flavorful dishes, many of which are prepared with ingredients sourced from the Yellow River region.

One of the most iconic landmarks of Lanzhou is the White Pagoda Mountain, which offers panoramic views of the Yellow River and the city’s skyline. The Gansu Provincial Museum is another cultural highlight, housing a vast collection of historical artifacts that provide insights into the region’s past.

Lanzhou’s historical significance is not limited to its role in trade; it has also been a strategic military city throughout Chinese history. The city’s development has been shaped by the黄河, which not only provided water for agriculture and daily life but also served as a crucial transportation route.

In recent years, Lanzhou has undergone significant modernization while preserving its historical and cultural assets, creating a harmonious blend of old and new. The city’s commitment to preserving its heritage is evident in the restoration and maintenance of historical sites, ensuring that the stories and traditions of Lanzhou continue to be told for generations to come.



  1. 兰州牛肉面:兰州牛肉面以其“一清(汤)二白(萝卜)三绿(香菜蒜苗)四红(辣子)五黄(面条黄亮)”的特点而闻名,是兰州的标志性美食。面条手工拉制,汤底醇厚,牛肉鲜美,是体验兰州风味的必尝之选。

  2. 酿皮子:酿皮是兰州的传统小吃,以面粉制成,口感爽滑,通常搭配各种调料和配菜食用,是夏季消暑的佳品。

  3. 手抓羊肉:兰州的手抓羊肉选用当地特有的绵羊,烹制时加入多种香料,肉质鲜嫩,原汁原味,是当地的传统美食。

  4. 灰豆子:这是兰州地区独有的甜食,用豌豆、红枣、白糖和蓬灰熬煮而成,口感浓香、豆软香甜。

  5. 甜醅子:甜醅子是一种用酒醅发酵而成的饮料,味道醇厚、香甜可口,适合在不同季节享用。

  6. 兰州烧烤:以羊肉串和烤板筋为主,香辣可口,是当地人夜宵的首选。

  7. 牛奶鸡蛋醪糟:这是兰州比较流行的美食,蛋花柔软,滑嫩爽口,香甜略酸,色香味俱全。

  8. 兰州白兰瓜:兰州白兰瓜以其外形美观和香甜的口感而闻名,是当地的特色水果。




  1. 水墨丹霞:位于兰州市永登县,以其连绵起伏的山峦和五彩斑斓的色彩而著称,地貌奇特,色彩绚丽,是大自然的杰作。

  2. 兴隆山自然保护区:被誉为“陇右第一名山”,山中树木茂密,山峰苍翠,是登山游玩和道教文化体验的好去处。

  3. 吐鲁沟国家森林公园:位于兰州市西北,属于祁连山脉的东麓,以奇山秀水和丰富的生物多样性闻名。

  4. 黄河风情线:兰州是唯一一座黄河穿城而过的省会城市,黄河风情线以中山桥为中心,展现了黄河两岸的自然风光和城市景观。

  5. 五泉山公园:以五眼泉水和秀丽的自然风光著称,是兰州市内的一个著名公园,适合休闲游玩。





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