
University Transcript: The Essential Guide to Writing in English

When it comes to academic achievements, a university transcript is a crucial document that showcases your academic journey. Writing a university transcript in English is not just about translating your grades; it’s about presenting a clear and professional record of your academic performance. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft a transcript that meets international standards.


1. Header and Personal Information

Start with your full name, student ID number, and the name of your university. Include the university’s official seal or logo if available.

2. Academic Term and Course Details

List each academic term, including the year and semester. For each course, include the course name, course code, credit hours, and the grade you received. Use the standard grading scale and abbreviations recognized by your university.

3. GPA Calculation

Calculate your cumulative grade point average (GPA) and include it on the transcript. Make sure to use the correct formula and round your GPA to the appropriate number of decimal places.

4. Signature and Verification

Include a section for the university registrar or authorized official to sign and date the transcript, attesting to its authenticity.

5. Translation and Certification

If your transcript is not in English, have it professionally translated and certified by a notary public or a recognized translation service.

6. Formatting and Layout

Ensure your transcript is formatted in a way that is easy to read and understand. Use clear headings, consistent fonts, and appropriate spacing.

7. Review and Proofread

Before finalizing your transcript, review it carefully for any errors or inconsistencies. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting accuracy.

By following these guidelines, you’ll create a university transcript that is not only accurate but also presents your academic achievements in a polished and professional manner. Remember to keep your transcript up-to-date with any changes to your academic record.



计算GPA(Grade Point Average,平均绩点)的基本步骤如下:

  1. 确定每个成绩的等级对应的点数:不同的学校可能有不同的GPA计算体系,但通常A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, F=0.0。

  2. 将每个课程的成绩转换为点数:例如,如果你在一门课程中获得了A,则该课程的GPA点数为4.0。

  3. 计算每门课程的加权分数:将每个课程的GPA点数乘以该课程的学分,得到加权分数。

  4. 计算总加权分数:将所有课程的加权分数相加。

  5. 计算总学分:将所有课程的学分相加。

  6. 计算GPA:将总加权分数除以总学分,得到平均绩点。

呈现GPA时,通常会在成绩单上显示一个小数形式的GPA值,例如3.5。成绩单上可能还会显示等级点平均数(如Average Points),这是将所有课程的GPA点数乘以相应的学分后求和,然后除以总学分得到的结果。




  1. 学生个人信息:包括姓名、学号、性别、出生日期等基本信息。
  2. 课程信息:列出学生所修读的每一门课程的名称、学分以及相应的成绩,这些成绩可能包括平时成绩、期末考试成绩和总评成绩等。
  3. 学分累计:显示学生已经获得的总学分以及可能需要的毕业总学分要求。
  4. 平均成绩点(GPA):计算并显示学生的平均成绩点,这是衡量学生整体学术表现的重要指标。
  5. 毕业信息和学位等级:在学生完成学业后,成绩单上会更新毕业信息和学位等级。
  6. 相关注解信息:可能包括学术类奖学金获得情况、毕业奖项、实习完成情况等与学术相关的额外信息。




  1. 选择专业翻译服务:选择具有专业背景和丰富经验的翻译机构或个人进行翻译,确保翻译人员对教育领域的术语和格式有深入了解。

  2. 内容完整性和准确性:翻译内容应完整覆盖原始成绩单的所有信息,包括课程名称、学分、成绩等,并特别注意专业术语的准确使用,避免歧义。

  3. 格式一致性:翻译时应保持与原成绩单相同的格式和排版,以便接收方能够清晰对比原文和译文。

  4. 隐私保护:在翻译和传递成绩单过程中,应采取必要的保密措施,防止个人信息泄露。

  5. 校对和审核:翻译完成后,进行仔细校对和专业人士的审核,以提高翻译质量和可信度。

  6. 认证和盖章:确保翻译件附有翻译机构的公章和翻译人员的签名,以证明翻译的合法性和有效性。

  7. 核对翻译件:在提交翻译件之前,仔细核对以确保无遗漏、无错误,并建议附上原始成绩单的复印件或扫描件以供核对。

  8. 注意时效性:翻译认证件可能具有有效期,确保在有效期内使用,并妥善保管翻译件的备份。





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