
舞蹈编导专业在英语中可以表达为 “Dance Choreography and Directing”。




舞蹈编导专业的英文缩写是 “Choreography”。


Choreography Major Course Content

The Choreography major encompasses a range of courses that focus on developing students’ skills in dance creation, direction, and performance. The core curriculum typically includes:

  1. Ballet and Modern Dance Techniques: These foundational courses hone students’ technical proficiency in classical ballet and contemporary dance styles, which are essential for choreographing a variety of dance pieces.

  2. Dance Composition and Choreography: Students learn the principles and methods of dance composition, exploring how to create original dance phrases, develop choreographic structures, and craft narratives through movement.

  3. Dance Notation and Analysis: Courses in dance notation help students to record and interpret choreography, while analysis classes teach them to deconstruct and understand the编舞al choices of other choreographers.

  4. Dance Production and Stagecraft: Students gain knowledge of the technical aspects of dance production, including lighting, set design, costume, and stage management, which are crucial for bringing choreographic visions to life.

  5. Dance History and Theory: An understanding of the historical development of dance and its theoretical frameworks provides students with a context for their creative work and a deeper appreciation for the art form.

  6. Improvisation and Performance: Improvisation classes encourage students to explore movement spontaneously, which can lead to new choreographic ideas, while performance courses focus on the art of dance presentation and the development of stage presence.

  7. Multicultural Dance Forms: Students are introduced to a diverse range of dance traditions from around the world, broadening their cultural perspective and enriching their choreographic vocabulary.

  8. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods: For those interested in teaching, courses in pedagogy prepare students to instruct dance at various levels, from recreational to professional.

  9. Creative Collaboration: Choreography often involves working with composers, visual artists, and other dancers. Courses that emphasize collaboration help students to develop the interpersonal skills necessary for successful artistic partnerships.

  10. Independent Study and Choreographic Projects: Students are given the opportunity to develop their own choreographic projects, which serve as a capstone experience, allowing them to synthesize their skills and showcase their artistic voice.

These courses are designed to equip students with the technical mastery, creative vision, and theoretical understanding necessary to become innovative and accomplished choreographers in the field of dance.



  1. 专业表演团体和艺术团:毕业生可以在各种舞蹈公司、剧院和艺术团担任舞蹈编导,负责编排和导演舞蹈作品。
  2. 教育机构:在学校、艺术学校或培训中心担任舞蹈教师,传授舞蹈技巧和编排知识。
  3. 文化活动和服务:参与文化活动的策划与组织,以及提供舞蹈相关的指导和服务。
  4. 影视和媒体行业:在电视台、电影制作公司或新媒体平台从事舞蹈设计、导演和表演工作。
  5. 演艺机构和企业:在酒店、旅游景点或企业的文化活动部门工作,负责舞蹈节目的创作和演出。
  6. 研究和出版:在科研单位或出版社从事舞蹈理论研究、舞蹈作品编辑和出版工作。





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