
Welcome to Qingdao

As the plane touches down on the tarmac of Qingdao Liuting International Airport, a sense of familiarity and warmth washes over you. Qingdao, a city that blends the charm of the East with the elegance of the West, is not just a destination but a homecoming. The red-tiled roofs, the bustling streets, and the inviting aroma of fresh seafood are a testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant modernity.


Rediscovering Qingdao’s Gems

Qingdao’s beaches, with their golden sands and clear waters, are the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll or a refreshing dip. The city’s historical landmarks, such as the Zhanqiao Pier and the German总督府, stand as silent witnesses to Qingdao’s past, while the modern shopping districts and lively nightlife scenes pulse with the energy of the present.

Culinary Delights Await

No visit to Qingdao is complete without sampling the local cuisine. The city is renowned for its seafood, and dishes like steamed abalone and fried squid are must-tries. The Tsingtao Brewery, one of the world’s most famous beer brands, offers a chance to taste the local brew in its birthplace.

Embrace the Local Culture

Qingdao’s cultural calendar is filled with festivals and events that celebrate the city’s unique identity. The International Beer Festival, held annually in August, is a testament to Qingdao’s love for the amber nectar. The city’s art galleries and theaters showcase a thriving arts scene, reflecting the creative spirit of its residents.

Qingdao’s Natural Beauty

Beyond the city limits, the Laoshan Mountain Scenic Area offers a chance to connect with nature. The mountain’s lush greenery and serene temples provide a peaceful retreat from the urban hustle. The崂山, with its mythical status in Chinese folklore, is a place of pilgrimage for those seeking a spiritual experience.

A Warm Welcome

As you step into Qingdao, you are not just a visitor; you are a returning friend. The city’s hospitality is legendary, and the locals’ smiles are as warm as the summer breeze. Whether you’re here for business or pleasure, Qingdao promises an unforgettable experience that feels like coming home.

Welcome back to Qingdao, where the old and the new coalesce, and every corner tells a story of this enchanting city by the sea.



  1. “Qingdao, a city steeped in history and culture, boasts an array of architectural marvels that pay homage to its rich past. The blend of Western and Chinese architectural styles, evident in landmarks like the Zhanqiao Pier and the Eight大关, is a testament to the city’s openness and cultural exchange. These buildings, many of which have been meticulously preserved or restored, stand as silent sentinels, narrating tales of Qingdao’s evolution from a small fishing village to a thriving metropolis.”

  2. “The city’s cultural heritage is not limited to its structures; it extends to the very fabric of its society, as seen in the lively traditions and festivals that continue to be celebrated. The historical buildings, such as the German总督府 and the Christian churches, are not just relics of the past but living symbols of Qingdao’s enduring spirit and its ability to weave together diverse influences into a unique urban tapestry.”

  3. “A walk through Qingdao’s historic districts is akin to a journey through time, where every corner reveals a new chapter in the city’s story. The attention to detail in preserving these architectural gems, coupled with the city’s commitment to cultural conservation, ensures that the legacy of Qingdao’s history and culture will be appreciated by generations to come.”



  1. 光影秀、灯光秀、酒秀、裸眼3D、艺术巡游、街头互动表演、无人机表演:这些焕新升级的特色演艺将为游客带来强烈的视觉冲击力和艺术感染力。

  2. 音乐演出、艺术巡游、体育竞演:啤酒节期间将举办2000余场次的各类活动,包括酒王争霸赛、啤酒欢乐女神选拔赛等,以及时尚体育节等。

  3. 啤酒品鉴:您可以品尝到来自世界各地的40多个国家和地区的2000余款啤酒。

  4. 文化体验:啤酒节还包括各类精品文艺演出活动、艺术作品展览、艺术沙龙等,以及互动体验类活动,如沉浸式演艺、展览、娱乐等。

  5. 旅游活动:崂山区域内将举办旅游相关的节庆活动、旅游演艺活动、特色旅游路线及景区营销活动等。

  6. 潮玩街区:面向年轻人群,组织集科技体验、热血篮球3V3比赛、极限活动表演、街舞表演、电音巴士蹦迪、亲子乐园等于一体的活动。

  7. 国际啤酒节联盟合作机制系列活动:将邀请国际头部啤酒节会代表参加,探讨世界啤酒节会的发展。

  8. 消费场景多元:啤酒节期间青岛将提供多样化的消费场景,包括文化、购物、游乐、休闲业态,以及嘉年华游戏及户外潮流业态。

  9. 国际特色彰显:啤酒节将传承开放基因,增加国际元素,迎接海内外游客,并邀请多个国家和地区的演员参与演艺节目。

  10. 便捷的参节游玩:啤酒节期间将完善园区基础配套,提供智慧景区系统,建设智慧街区,提高游客入城效率,并强化通讯保障。


Laoshan Mountain Scenic Area有哪些著名景点值得推荐?


  1. 巨峰:崂山的主峰,海拔1132.7米,是登高望远的绝佳地点。
  2. 太清宫:中国道教名山之一,有着丰富的道教文化和历史遗迹。
  3. 流清:以清澈的溪流和瀑布群而闻名,是夏季避暑的好去处。
  4. 棋盘石:巨石上有天然形成的棋盘状图案,是崂山的标志性景观之一。
  5. 龙潭瀑:壮观的瀑布群,水声轰鸣,景色宜人。
  6. 仰口:以奇特的岩石地貌和广阔的海景而著称。
  7. 北九水:九条溪流从山间流下,形成了多个瀑布和清澈的水潭。
  8. 华严顶:可观日出日落的绝佳地点,山顶云雾缭绕,如临仙境。





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