“晴空万里”直译为 “a clear and boundless sky” 或 “the vast clear sky”. 这是一个常用的汉语成语,用来形容天气非常晴朗,天空中没有一朵云彩。在英文中,这个短语传达了一种开阔、无垠的天空景象,通常与美好的天气状况相关联。
如何用英语描述 ‘晴空万里’以外的天气现象?
Weather Phenomena beyond “Clear Skies”
When describing weather conditions that are not “clear skies,” English offers a variety of expressions to convey different atmospheric states. Here are some common ways to describe various weather phenomena:
Overcast: This term refers to a sky completely covered with clouds. When the sky is overcast, it means there is no visible blue sky or sunshine.
Partly Cloudy: This condition indicates that while there are clouds in the sky, they do not cover the entire sky, allowing for periods of sunlight.
Cloudy: Similar to partly cloudy, but typically implies that the sky is more obscured by clouds, with less chance of direct sunlight.
Drizzle: A light, misty form of precipitation that is finer than rain.
Shower: A short period of rain that falls intensely and then stops relatively quickly. Showery weather can include both rain showers and snow showers.
Thunderstorm: A storm with lightning and thunder, often accompanied by heavy rainfall and gusty winds.
Rain: Describes precipitation in the form of water droplets. Different adjectives can be used to qualify the intensity of rain, such as light, moderate, or heavy.
Snow: Precipitation in the form of ice crystals that fall from clouds and accumulate on the ground.
Fog: A meteorological phenomenon consisting of tiny water droplets suspended in the air at or near the Earth’s surface, which reduces visibility.
Haze: A slight suspension of dust, smoke, or other dry particles in the air, which makes the distance appear blurred.
Gale: A strong wind; when风力 reaches a certain threshold, it may be classified as a gale.
Typhoon and Hurricane: These terms refer to tropical cyclones with very strong winds and heavy rainfall, depending on their location relative to the equator.
Ice雹: Solid state of precipitation that forms when updrafts in thunderstorms freeze raindrops into balls of ice.
These descriptions help communicate the current state of the atmosphere and the type of weather one might expect. Each term paints a specific picture of the sky and the associated weather patterns.
- 阳光明媚:形容天气晴朗,阳光灿烂,给人带来温暖和愉悦的感觉。
- 云淡风轻:指微风轻拂,浮云淡薄,通常用来形容天气晴好,气氛宁静。
- 风和日丽:和风习习,阳光灿烂,形容晴朗暖和的天气,适合户外活动。
- 秋高气爽:特指秋季的天气,晴空万里,气候清爽,是收获和出游的好时节。
- 碧空如洗:形容天空湛蓝明净,如同刚刚洗涤过一般,通常用来描绘晴朗的天气。
- 雨过天晴:指雨后天气转晴,天空放亮,有时也比喻经过困难后出现好转的情况。
- 电闪雷鸣:形容雷雨天气,雷电交加,声音响亮,常常伴随着强风和暴雨。
- 倾盆大雨:形容雨势极大,雨水像盆子倒下来一样,通常用来描绘突如其来的强降雨。